Saturday 22 October 2011

The Sad Truth...

We Homo sapiens, Humans, Men, women and children of the world, are destroying the planet we live on. Our children and their children will NOT have a planet with oxygen, nor a planet with flora or fauna. They will live on a sparse planet in which they have to where oxygen masks so they can fill their lungs with what they dare to call "oxygen".
We cut down trees and don't replant them, trees absorb the poisonous carbon dioxide we exhale and put out more oxygen so we can continue to live on this planet.
We destroy animals habitats by cutting down their homes, DO YOU WANT TO DIE??? IS THAT WHAT PEOPLE WANT?? TO DIE??
we build factories that pollute the atmosphere and let harmful UV Rays in. The suns UV rays cause skin cancers like melanoma, which if formed in the right place can kill us. BUT... just think for a second... is it the melanoma that kills us? or is it us, the human body that eventually take our own lives?
Its like unknown suicide. People don't realize they are even doing it.
So next time your landscaping your back yard and you go to cut down the big tree that's been growing there forever, just think... if i cut down this tree, how many birds and lizards and possums and insects are loosing there home, how much carbon dioxide will stay in the air i breath now?

Just take one step to help change the world :)


  1. Lovely post.

    Very, very true. We will be the downfall to our own existence. We destroy pretty much everything we come in contact with because all we think about is NOW and our own goals. We need to become more conscious of that which surrounds us. We need to care about the consequences.

  2. Exactly. I'm glad I'm not the only one who realizes :)
