Monday 24 October 2011


    bod·y im·age
    body images, plural
    1. The subjective picture or mental image of one's own body

Every one is different, that is a fact.
Some people are skinny others are more solid, others are tall some are short.
One girl might have a skinnier waist then you, or that guy you've been comparing yourself to might have bigger muscles then you.


In your own mind you think of things you don't like about your body and then that's all it seems you can see in yourself, it takes over.
Someone may say something about you, like...
"OH MY GOSH, that girls hair never sits nicely"
when really, it does look nice. People decide to dislike someone for absolutely no reason.  They try to make them feel bad so that the mean ones can feel better about themselves.

Guys are just as self conscious as girls.
We all compare our selves to someone else.

In reality every person in the world is beautiful in one way or another.
People just choose not to believe that.

    beauties, plural

    1. Beauty is something that every living creature possesses.   

    That is the true and fully real meaning of beauty. Somehow the meaning of beauty has now MORPHED in to something completely different...

    Now days the definition of beauty is a skinny girl with big breasts, long legs, a killer tan, skinny waist and bouncy blonde hair.

    This is a stereotype. 

    Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes,
    it includes:

    1. every skin tone
    2. every body shape
    3. every height
    4. every weight
    5. every hair colour
    6. every eye colour
    7. and every thing else

    So all girls and all boys, stop with the body hate.
    your beautiful.

    don't listen to the people that put you down, there just self conscious too.
    But they too are beautiful.

    and remember FLAWS ARE BEAUTIFUL!


    1 comment:

    1. This is absolutely wonderful! So very true, yet very few understand their true worth. From day one we're brainwashed into thinking there is a certain way we should look or think. It's impossible for all of us to look and feel the same! We need to embrace who we are, we're all beautiful. We are all the same, yet different--and those differences make us all the more lovely. If people could realize this, then I imagine humanity would be much greater than it is today.
