Tuesday 20 December 2011


OK i just want to warn everyone reading this that i mean no offence or harm to any religious followers of Christianity. this is just my opinion and i deserve my say.

OK, so I just want to tell you all why I'm not to fond of Jesus. Recently I decided to pick up the holy bible and have a quick squiz just to see what its like... out of curiosity.
To my absolute shock I found that Jesus was a horrible man. 0.0. I always thought up until now that he was a good guy but really he isn't! I just don't understand... People say his love is unconditional and how he loves everyone, but from what I read he only loves one third of the population (which is less then half!!). He aids in killing people? Making them suffer for eternity? I just don't understand how that is love?
Why does he hate homosexuals? They are homo-sapiens like the rest of us... but oh wait, he doesn't even love the half of us...

If someone can explain why he does this, and how its love. I wold be delighted to know because right now im just so confused. 

Thursday 24 November 2011


i stopped blogging for a while because of school exams!

well now that im back...

i really missed blogging but im gonna change my style.
my  blog is now casual :)

no more deep and meaningful blogs just happy post about me :)

so yesterday i went to dream world on the gold coast in Australia. it was amazingly fun!
was the best ride ever!

Friday 28 October 2011


I absolutely love Halloween.
its always so fun, you dress up and party all night, you get lollies and play jokes on others but that's not even the best part...
the best part is that your confidence is boosted so much because your in costume and so is everyone else so you can talk and laugh and joke with who ever or whatever you want.

I recently went to a Halloween party and me and my best-est friend teased out our hair into massive afros and hair sprayed them silver and pink and covered ourselves in glitter,

two days later, I've washed my hair 3 times and brushed it at least twice and I still cant run my fingers through my hair ;L hahaha. 

Wednesday 26 October 2011


 I love everything pearly. Pearls are delicate and beautiful and very womanly.

Bright Coloured Jumpsuits/Playsuits are so groovy and I Absolutely LOVE them.

Harem Pants are uber comfy, and i have about 100 pairs of them :)

                                             I really like floral dresses, because no matter whos wearing them, they always                           look amazing :) <3


Dont get me wrong i want people to like my blog...
but i blog whats on my heart.
i cant help that.
im sorry.
next blog will be on fashion or love or cute puppies, just to please those who read.

xoxo C<3C

Monday 24 October 2011


    bod·y im·age
    body images, plural
    1. The subjective picture or mental image of one's own body

Every one is different, that is a fact.
Some people are skinny others are more solid, others are tall some are short.
One girl might have a skinnier waist then you, or that guy you've been comparing yourself to might have bigger muscles then you.


In your own mind you think of things you don't like about your body and then that's all it seems you can see in yourself, it takes over.
Someone may say something about you, like...
"OH MY GOSH, that girls hair never sits nicely"
when really, it does look nice. People decide to dislike someone for absolutely no reason.  They try to make them feel bad so that the mean ones can feel better about themselves.

Guys are just as self conscious as girls.
We all compare our selves to someone else.

In reality every person in the world is beautiful in one way or another.
People just choose not to believe that.

    beauties, plural

    1. Beauty is something that every living creature possesses.   

    That is the true and fully real meaning of beauty. Somehow the meaning of beauty has now MORPHED in to something completely different...

    Now days the definition of beauty is a skinny girl with big breasts, long legs, a killer tan, skinny waist and bouncy blonde hair.

    This is a stereotype. 

    Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes,
    it includes:

    1. every skin tone
    2. every body shape
    3. every height
    4. every weight
    5. every hair colour
    6. every eye colour
    7. and every thing else

    So all girls and all boys, stop with the body hate.
    your beautiful.

    don't listen to the people that put you down, there just self conscious too.
    But they too are beautiful.

    and remember FLAWS ARE BEAUTIFUL!


    Saturday 22 October 2011


    so here is everything you should know about me...
    I go by the title Lady Universe, and i believe that everything on our beautiful planet is as equal as the next, homo sapiens are not superior to the common door mouse for it to has a purpose and a reason. Homo sapiens think they are the only ones who have right to the earth, but they are wrong, everything put on this beautiful planet was a reason and a right to be here, so shame on the Homo sapiens for thinking otherwise.
    <You are a child of the universe, no less then the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here.> desiderata 1692


    The Sad Truth...

    We Homo sapiens, Humans, Men, women and children of the world, are destroying the planet we live on. Our children and their children will NOT have a planet with oxygen, nor a planet with flora or fauna. They will live on a sparse planet in which they have to where oxygen masks so they can fill their lungs with what they dare to call "oxygen".
    We cut down trees and don't replant them, trees absorb the poisonous carbon dioxide we exhale and put out more oxygen so we can continue to live on this planet.
    We destroy animals habitats by cutting down their homes, DO YOU WANT TO DIE??? IS THAT WHAT PEOPLE WANT?? TO DIE??
    we build factories that pollute the atmosphere and let harmful UV Rays in. The suns UV rays cause skin cancers like melanoma, which if formed in the right place can kill us. BUT... just think for a second... is it the melanoma that kills us? or is it us, the human body that eventually take our own lives?
    Its like unknown suicide. People don't realize they are even doing it.
    So next time your landscaping your back yard and you go to cut down the big tree that's been growing there forever, just think... if i cut down this tree, how many birds and lizards and possums and insects are loosing there home, how much carbon dioxide will stay in the air i breath now?

    Just take one step to help change the world :)