Tuesday 20 December 2011


OK i just want to warn everyone reading this that i mean no offence or harm to any religious followers of Christianity. this is just my opinion and i deserve my say.

OK, so I just want to tell you all why I'm not to fond of Jesus. Recently I decided to pick up the holy bible and have a quick squiz just to see what its like... out of curiosity.
To my absolute shock I found that Jesus was a horrible man. 0.0. I always thought up until now that he was a good guy but really he isn't! I just don't understand... People say his love is unconditional and how he loves everyone, but from what I read he only loves one third of the population (which is less then half!!). He aids in killing people? Making them suffer for eternity? I just don't understand how that is love?
Why does he hate homosexuals? They are homo-sapiens like the rest of us... but oh wait, he doesn't even love the half of us...

If someone can explain why he does this, and how its love. I wold be delighted to know because right now im just so confused. 